About the Site

For no real reason that I'm aware of, I have a real soft spot for the opening minutes or hours of video games.

I love the ways in which these worlds unfurl and introduce themselves to players.

So, as a fun side-project I decided to create Tutorial Village to...
My goal with each game is to play up until the point that it "opens up" - to whatever subjective degree - and write about the process.

I also am a big believer in the simplified, tracker-free Internet of yore. I wanted to make a no-frills website and join the Neocities community as a nod to how I grew up online but also to cement the hopes I have for a more friendly, more community-driven, more passionate Internet of the Future.

You can find out more about me at the links on the Links Page. I'm more than happy to connect.

Future Plans

Because this is a one-man passion project, here is the most recent scope of my immediate hopes:

- Focus on Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games
- Focus on RPGs
- Occasionally add a random game that strikes my fancy (Ys I's bump combat tutorial, I'm looking at you)
- Make this more mobile-friendly


1/16/2025: Added an important "Under Construction" gif, plus the following games: 1/15/2025: Created Tutorial Village. Happy birthday! Most of the links on the main page don't work and are just for visual reference.